Page 23 - January 2021 South Florida Hospital News
P. 23

Cover Story: Ged Lawyers:

         Helping Healthcare Providers Collect PIP Payments

         Continued from page 1
        scanning and digitizing certain documents and then allow us to   companies to elect these fee schedules to remove the litigation as
        create a HIPAA secure tunnel to retrieve that information.”   to what a reasonable amount is. As a result, they are taking rea-
          What can add to the confusion is that PIP cases are always   sonableness out of the equation and now have to pay 80 percent
        changing and that can affect how bills are being paid by insurance   of that particular fee schedule. But it gives the insurance carrier
        companies, adds Chad Christensen, a partner with Ged Lawyers.   an option to pay the total charge submitted when a provider bills
          One major area involves the use of the Medicare fee schedule to   less than the 80 percent of 200 percent of Medicare.”
        adjust Florida PIP claims. Both the courts and the legislature have   This is how it benefits the insurance company by paying the
        changed the rules, which have caused PIP insurers to re-evaluate   total charge. If the fee schedule amount for that same office visit
        their policy language and claims handling. The current statute   is $200, and they choose to pay at the scheduled maximum
        requires that insurers reimburse 80 percent of reasonable expens-  charges, they pay 80 percent of the fee schedule amount, or $160   Discover
        es for medically necessary treatment.                  ($200 x 80 percent)—$60 more than what the provider charged.    South University
          “Many medical providers’ bills are paid at the allowable amount   “When you have this disparity, the insurance company has the
        of 200 percent of Medicare Part B,” says Christensen. "When a   option to pay the total charge submitted rather than 80 percent of
        provider bills less than 200 percent of Medicare Part B, the statute   the total charge,” says Christensen. “In this case, if the provider
        still requires the insurance company to either pay 80 percent of   bills a lot less than the fee schedule amount, the insurance com-  Whether you’re just starting in the field
        the 200 percent of Medicare Part B, or the total charge submitted.”   pany rather than paying 80 percent of the fee schedule amount,   of nursing, or looking to move your
          The difference in payment levels is considerable. For example,   can pay the total charge submitted.”           career forward, South Univer rsity can
        a provider charges $100 for an office visit, but under the statute,   This is an issue prevalent today and being litigated because   elevate your journey as a car regiver.
        200 percent of Medicare Part B, would be $110 for that office visit.   insurance companies are arguing that the policy language allows
        PIP pays 80 percent of the reasonable charge.          them to pay 80 percent of the bill if the provider bills less than the
          “If a provider submits a charge for a $100 office visit, which is   fee schedule amount.
        $10 less than the fee schedule amount, most insurance companies   There are several other issues that can affect a claim according
        will pay 80 percent of the $100 charge submitted which is $80,”   to both Ged and Christensen, such as Medicare coding denials or   West Palm Beach, Florida

        notes Christensen. “But technically under the statute, if they   insurance carriers taking Medicare reductions based upon nurse
        choose to limit payment pursuant to the fee schedule, they have   practitioners or physician assistants providing care or treatment.    From all of us at
        to pay 80 percent of the fee schedule no matter what the provider   “You can also have denials from carriers claiming that there is   South University, West Palm
                                                                                                                                              m Beach
        charges.”                                              an unbundling of services and the provider cannot bill separately   thank you for your servi ce!
          In this hypothetical scenario, $110 x 80 percent would require   or the insurance companies paying the wrong fee schedule based
        the insurance carrier to pay $88. The whole purpose of the enact-  upon their policy languages,” adds Christensen.
        ment of the fee schedule was to take out a huge part of litigation   No matter the issue, Ged Lawyers has in-depth knowledge   Get Started today! Call us at
        of determining what is a reasonable charge for the medical serv-  about PIP regulation and stay abreast of changes in insurance law,   866.242.1840  or  visit t
        ices.                                                  fighting tirelessly for clients for the compensation they deserve.   SouthUniversity .edu/W estPalmBeach
          “A huge fight for many years was how to determine what was
        a reasonable amount,” says Christensen. “If the providers weren’t                          For more information,
        paid 80 percent of their charges, they were suing for whatever                          visit
        reduction there was. The statute was amended to allow insurance

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