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erunzia, also known as Jab and Jab’s plate wasn’t already
DJohnson, was born and raised in overflowing she was also able Jab Johnson
the small of town Corey, Louisiana. to play Amateur Athletic
Growing up Jab had always been Union (AAU) basketball out
taller than the rest of her peers. That of New Orleans for Coach
combined with her love of the game Domino.
of basket- After High
ball in- School Jab playing for NLU. She is ranked sev-
trigued her received, schol- enth in blocked shots and was able
and helped arship offers to block a total of 100 shots during
her dreams from schools all her college career. Jab was also a
of being a over. Howev- three-time All-Southland Confer-
basketball er, she decided ence selection and was also named
star form. to stay close to to the Southland’s 1980’s All-Decade
She began home and at- team in 2013.
to develop tend Northeast Jab is very thankful for the
her game Louisiana Uni- support and love that she received
and start- versity (NLU). from her family and she knows she
ing prac- Even though she would not have been able to reach
ticing and was determined any of her goals without the support
playing to finish out of God and her family. Her mother
at a very her schooling Gloria Atkins and her late grand-
young age. and receive her mother Clara Thornton were her
By the time degree Jab had a angels. Normally when you have a
Jab was in son to look after child that is your child and your re-
her teen years, she had developed her and wanted to stay close to home. sponsibility. Her mother and grand-
game so much that she was chosen Another reason Jab chose to attend mother knew Jab’s goal was to go to
to be a part of the Caldwell High NLU was the fact that her cousin Lisa college and play basketball, so they
School Women’s basketball team. By Thornton went to Louisiana State were willing to be her support sys-
Jab’s junior year in high school she University (LSU) and Pam Kelly went tem. Her family wanted her to follow
had gotten pregnant and was blessed to Louisiana Tech. All three ladies her dreams and goals. They did not
with a beautiful baby boy. In no way went to Caldwell Parish High School, want anything to stand in her way or
did that stop her from reaching and so she wanted to go somewhere delay her from reaching her goals.
achieving the goals and dreams she where she could make a name for Jab not only had the support of her
had set up in her life. Her hard work herself. Over Jab’s entire basketball family, but she also had the support
and dedication continued to pay off career at NLU starting in 1987 and of people outside of her family like
and helped Johnson lead her high ending in 1990 she was able to break her high school coach Gay Greer,
school team The Caldwell Lady Spar- tons of records. She scored a total of her elementary school coaches Cla-
tans to the championship four years 1,542 points; averaging 18.8 points rice Kennedy, and Mary Alice Wiley.
in a row. As if that wasn’t enough each game which earned her a rank At NLU Jab majored in
at number four General Studies because at the time
in career points she was unsure of what career she
scored for the wanted to pursue in life. At the time
Lady War- she only knew that she wanted to
hawks. Jab was play basketball. Jab had a strong
also able to snag desire to play pro ball over seas, and
a total of 1,006 she was fortunate enough to be able
rebounds with to do so for two and a half years. She
an average of was able to travel and play in places
12.3 rebounds like Calais, France, Pryca, Manresa.
per game After Jab finished playing overseas,
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during her time Continued on Page 13