Page 24 - Genius Kidz English Prose-3
P. 24

Language Skills
                                                                                            Language Skills
                                                                                            Language Skills

                 Nouns like apples, eggs, etc. which can be counted are called countable nouns                         .

                 Nouns  like  rice,  water,  etc.  which  cannot  be  counted  are  called  uncountable

            F.  Below is list of items that your mother is going to buy. Write down which are

                 countable (c)     and which are uncountable (uc)             nouns.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Communication Skill
                 1.  oil        :    _________                 2.  candles        :    _________
                                                                                                                                                                                         Fun Time
                 3.  banana :        _________                 4.  cheese         :    _________

                 5.  grapes  :       _________                 6.  sugar          :    _________

                 7.  wheat  :        _________                 8.  pickle         :    _________

                 9.  bread  :        _________                10.  mango          :    _________

                 Nouns are of two types. Singular nouns               meaning one of something and              Plural
                 nouns meaning more than one of something.
                                                                                           Critical Thinking
                                                                                           Critical Thinking
                                                                                           Critical Thinking
                 1.       book           :      books         (add s)

                 2.       branch         :      branches
                                                                 (add es) when the words end in sh or ch
                 3.       wish           :      wishes

                 4.       bunny          :      bunnies       (change y to ies)

                 5.       leaf           :      leaves        (change f to ves)

                 6.       knife          :      knives        (change fe to ves)

            G.  Write the plural/singular form.
                                                                                                       Life Skills
                                                                                                       Life Skills
                                                                                                       Life Skills
                 1.  tail            _________                2.  girl            _________
                 3.  babies          _________                4.  mango           _________

                 5.  bush            _________                6.  lunch           _________

                 7.  potatoes        _________                8.  lady            _________

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