Page 51 - Genis Kidz Integrity Jorneys-7
P. 51

crack of dawn.

          Francis of Assissi is famous in history as someone who lived very close to nature.
          He was in such total harmony with nature that he was able to relate freely even

          with wild animals. He once talked to a wolf and persuaded him not to disturb the

          people of village. He used to talk to the birds and fish. He would call the sun
          'brother sun' and the moon 'sister moon'. He was always happy because he was at

          peace with all the trees and plants, animals and insects around him. Man is a part of

          nature and we live best when we live in close harmony with it.

          A.      Tick ( ) the correct option :
                  1.     The average age of people of the village is :

                         (i)    85 years                                   (ii)   70 years
                         (iii)   60 years                                  (iv)   10 years

                  2.     The people of the village live in the contact of :
                         (i)    doctors                                    (ii)   nature
                         (iii)   nurses                                    (iv)   leaders

                  3.     We should plant more trees to keep balance in :
                         (i)    society                                    (ii)   our house

                         (iii)   nature                                    (iv)   animals
                  4.     We live on the beautiful planet, the :

                         (i)    Mars                                       (ii)   Jupiter
                         (iii)   Neptune                                   (iv)   Earth

          B.      Fill in the blanks :
                  1.     If we like the  __________________  of something, we continue to eat even after our
                         hunger is ______________.

                  2.     People  are  ______________  to  pay  a  higher  price  for  food  that  has  been
                         ______________ naturally, through 'organic' ______________.

                  3.     Even the  ______________ snakes are useful for us.
                  4.     But  we  are  only  one  among  the    ______________    of  living  creatures  on  this

                  5.     He would call the sun' ______________  'and the moon'______________.

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