Page 76 - Genis Kidz Integrity Jorneys-7
P. 76
She was a true patriot whose only interest was the development of the nation. Her
tenure as the Prime Minister of the country brought sweeping for the upliftment of
the downtrodden. ‘‘Garibi Hatao’’ was a slogan that her government coined.
Nationalization programmes, instituted unpopular birth control policies and
abolition of the privy purses were all meant to help the common man.
Mrs Indira Gandhi had said that she was prepared to shed every drop of her blood
for her country and her people. Unfortunately, this great patriotic leader was
brutally murdered by her own bodyguards on October 31, 1984. Every Indian
should imbibe and emulate her patriotic spirt.
Children, Mrs Indira Gandhi was a great leader. Good and effective leadership brings
out the best in people and make people get involved in the work. A good leader makes
himself or herself available and builds up an atmosphere of trust and confidence. Old
saying, ‘‘Leaders are born not made’’ is a myth. Any one can pick up ideas of leadership
and develop into an effective leader. In order to develop good leadership, one must
avoid selfishness, favoritism, lack of concern for others, etc. A selfish person will
not be a successful leader because on one time or other, he going to be discovered
and thrown out. Favoritism and nepotism are equally dangerous. These have
proved to be the death knell of many great leaders.
Good leaders are respected, loved and almost adorned. They are in great demand
everywhere. They will be successful in life and be remembered even after death. We can
either lead or be led. It depends on what we do now. If we decide to lead, we should
certainly be fictive leaders. That is possible, if we start training ourselves now by
cultivating the qualities required and utilising the opportunities provided by the school.
A. Tick ( ) the correct option :
1. Indin a Gandhi was born in :
(i) Allahabad (ii) Delhi
(iii) Mumbai (iv) Kolkata