Page 26 - Student Scholar Our Planet(EVS)-1
P. 26

Based on NEP
                                                 PRACTICE ZONE                                  8VH  RQO\  SHQFLO  WR  ÀOO  WKH  FLUFOHV
                                                                                                ,W  VKRXOG  EH  GDUNHQHG  FRPSOHWHO\
                                                                                                DQG SURSHUO\
            A.  Tick ( ) the correct answer.                                                    :URQJ        s
                1.  We celebrate Independence Day on ________.                                  &RUUHFW
                      (a)  15 August                  (b)  26 January
                                                                                                1. a      b     c    d
                      (c)  2 October                  (d)  5 September

                2.  We celebrate Republic Day on _____________.

                      (a)  15 August                  (b)  26 January
                                                                                                2. a      b     c    d
                      (c)  2 October                  (d)  25 December

                3.  We  celebrate Gandhi Jayanti on __________.

                      (a)  15 August                  (b)  26 January
                                                                                                3. a      b     c    d
                      (c)  15 March                   (d)  2 October

            B.  Tick ( ) the correct words.

                1.  Diwali/Holi is the festival of lights.

                2.  Christmas is celebrated on 25 December/25 January.

                3.  Eid comes after thirty/forty days of fasting.

                4.  The sikhs go to the gurudwaras/temples on Gurupurab.

                5.  We call Mahatma Gandhi Bapu/Chacha.

            C.  Match the pictures with the festivals.


                1.  Festival of light                             Eid                     2.  Santa Claus



                3.  Sewaiyan                                                               4.  Langar

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