Page 79 - Student Scholar Our Planet(EVS)-1
P. 79

Based on NEP
                                                 PRACTICE ZONE                                  8VH  RQO\  SHQFLO  WR  ÀOO  WKH  FLUFOHV
                                                                                                ,W  VKRXOG  EH  GDUNHQHG  FRPSOHWHO\
                                                                                                DQG SURSHUO\
            A.  Tick ( ) the correct answer.                                                    :URQJ
                                                                                                PHWKRG       s
                1.  Which means of transport move on the land?                                  &RUUHFW
                      (a)  Ship                       (b)  Car

                      (c)  Helicopter                 (d)  Steamer                              1. a      b     c    d

                2.  Which means of transport sail on water?

                      (a)  Scooter                    (b)  Steamer

                      (c)  Train                      (d)  Bus                                  2. a      b     c    d

                3.  Which is the fastest means of transport?

                      (a)  Bus                        (b)  Train

                      (c)  Car                        (d)  Aeroplane                            3. a      b     c    d

            B.  Complete the names of these means of transport.

                 1.                                 2.                             3.              4.

                  B       C               E         S       O       T       R       C       R       T       A       N
            C.  Write YES or NO.

                1.  Do you play with sharp objects?                                    _____________

                2.  Do you walk on the footpath?                                       _____________

                3.  Do you play on the road?                                           _____________

                4.  Do you touch switches?                                             _____________

                5.  Do you follow safety rules?                                        _____________

            D.  Cross ( ) the things that you should not play with.

                 Iron                       Teddy Bear                    Scissors                 Ball
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84