Page 15 - Mastermind Grammar-1
P. 15

3.  Some  nouns  are  given  below.  Write  them  separately  in  four

                 groups in the table given below :                                                Grammar Skill

                 pillow                    porter                   postman                       grapes

                 mouse                     teacher                  church                       fish

                 book                      ant                      monkey                         shop

                  Person                   Places                   Things                   Animals/Birds

                  _________                 _________                 _________                 _________

                  _________                 _________                 _________                 _________

                  _________                 _________                 _________                 _________

          4.  Fill in the blanks with correct nouns. Choose the correct noun

                 from the bracket.                                                                Analytical Skill

                 (a)  Rekha is a good __________                    .                    (boy/girl)

                 (b)  A cow eats __________                  .                           (banana/grass)

                 (c)  The __________               is a pretty flower.                   (rose/potato)

                 (d)  The __________               is a big animal.                      (rat/elephant)

          5.  Mark out the nouns and underline them :

                  (a)  Silver is not as bright as gold.

                  (b)  We use wood for making furniture.

                  (c)  The ship is big and blue.

                  (d)  Paper is a necessity in every walk of life.

                  (e)  The Sun rises in the east.

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