Page 69 - Genius Kidz English Prose-1
P. 69
Time: 2 hours Maximum Marks
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Test Paper-1
Reading Section
A. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions set below.
ere lived a farmer in a small village. He was a simple but intelligent man. He was
very helpful as well. So everybody in the village loved him. ey oen came to take
his advice on many matters. e farmer also helped them and never disappointed
any of them. His eld was just outside the village. Everyday, he would go to his eld
early in the morning. He would work the whole day and return before evening. It
was his daily routine, One day, he was returning home from his elds as usual. It
was getting dark and he was in a hurry to reach home. Suddenly he saw two women
coming towards him. e farmer became curious. ey are dressed like queens and
they seem to be from some rich family. Where are they going at this odd hour? he
1. Answer in one or two sentences only.
(i) Why did everybody love the farmer?
(ii) Why did the villagers oen take his advice?
(iii) What was the daily routine of the farmer?
(iv) What made the farmer curious?
2. Tick ( ) the correct options and complete the sentences.
(i) e farmer was a simple but ________ man.
(a) clever (b) wise (c) intelligent
(ii) His _________ was just outside the village.
(a) eld (b) house (c) farm
(iii) He would work the ________ day and return before evening.
(a) entire (b) whole (c) full
3. Tick ( ) the true statements and cross ( ) the false ones.
(i) e farmer earned his livelihood by working in his eld.
(ii) Nobody loved the farmer.
(iii) e two women looked like queens and they seem to be from rich family.