Page 59 - Carvaan Science-1
P. 59

This shows that air has weight.
            Different Forms of Air

                We can feel air when it moves. Moving air is called wind                            . When wind
            blows slowly, it is called a breeze           . Short bursts of air moving at high speeds

            are called gusts. When wind blows very fast, it is called a storm                            . It comes
            with thunder, lightning and rain.

                        Breeze                                 Gust                                  Storm

                                                    CAN YOU BELIEVE           ?

             Windmills are used to draw water from the ground and produce electricity.

            Need of Air
            •  All  living  things  need  air

                to breathe.
            •  Wind  helps  to  move  sail

                boats, gliders too.
            •  Strong  wind  turn  the  fan                 Wind moves                Wind helps         Wind moves
                                                                                                           the blades
                of a windmill.                              a sailing boat.          a glider to fly.    of a windmill.

                 Air makes         Clothes dry faster on        Air is needed         Air is used to         Air fills
              parachutes fly.           a windy day.             for burning.        play instruments         up a
                                                                                         like flute,        football.

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