Page 72 - Carvaan English Reade-1
P. 72
Model Test Paper-2
(Chapter 9 to 15)
A. Add -ing to the following words :
sit ___________ spin ___________ pass ___________
come ___________ make ___________ cut ___________
B. Fill in the blanks :
1. The___________ was very, very old.
2. Roxy was ___________ to see Naman.
3. ___________is smiling at everyone.
4. ___________ never wished 'Good Morning' to Mr Raman.
C. Write for true and F for false :
1. The lion gave the little goat a gold bangle.
2. Naman doesn't live with his parents.
3. There are five colours in the rainbox.
4. The animals' meeting is on Sunday.
D. Fill in the blanks with or :
1. Superman is _________ hero.
2. Jessica is _________ hardworking student.
3. A tiger is _________ animal.
4. Is that _________ old book?
5. _________ aeroplane is flying high in the sky.
E. Answer the following questions :
1. Why is the Lion giving a party?
2. Where did Naman find Roxy?
3. Where did Indu live?
4. Why were Bobby and Tabby sad?
5. What does the poet have to do after a bath?
72 Eng-1