Page 9 - Carvaan English Reade-1
P. 9

Language &
                        Grammar Corner
                           ammar Corner
                        Gr ammar Corner                                                                Grammar Skill
                   Past Tense : Sometimes we form past tenses with a new word.

            •      Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks :

                   What did Arun do in the morning?

                   He _________________ his teeth.

                                                              What did John do when he heard the bell?

                                                              He _________________ the door.

                   What did you do after dinner?

                   I _________________ to bed.

              Let’s Do
              Let’s Do
              Let’s Do
                               Activity Time                                                            Integration
                               Activity Time
                               Activity Time
                               Activity Time
                               Activity Time
                               Activity Time
            •      Complete the picture and colour it :

             N E P      The 4Cs : Core Learning Skills

            •      Crush 6, 7 tissue papers into balls. Colour them green. Attach them without
                   toothpick or glue. Make eyes with black and red bindies. Your caterpillar is


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