Page 15 - Genius Kidz English Prose-1
P. 15
3. According to the poet, his phone can download
(i) music
(ii) movies
(iii) all of the above
B. Answer the following questions.
1. What does the poet’s phone have?
2. What can the poet’s phone send?
3. What are the predictions which can be made by the poet’s phone?
4. What things can poet do with his phone?
Life Skills
Life Skills
Life Skills
Play with words
C. Read aloud with your teacher.
bl br cl cr
bl ack br own cl ap cr op
bl ue br ush cl oud cr owd
bl ow br oom cl ean cr own
bl iss br ead cl ever cr ab
D. Discuss the kind of activities that you perform on mobile phones.