Page 102 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 102

Most	important,	instead	of	thinking	about	it	forever	or	filling	up	a	binder	with
projections,	Jen	and	Omar	took	action.

                                             KEY	POINTS
      	“Plan	as	you	go”	to	respond	to	the	changing	needs	of	your	customers	but

         launch	your	business	as	soon	as	possible,	with	a	bias	toward	action.
      	 Nick’s	 first	 print	 sale	 provided	 far	 more	 motivation	 than	 the	 $50	 he

         received.	As	soon	as	possible,	find	a	way	to	get	your	first	sale.
      	 Follow	 the	 Seven	 Steps	 to	 Instant	 Market	 Testing	 (or	 the	 market	 before

         manufacturing	method)	to	gauge	the	initial	response.
      	Use	the	One-Page	Business	Plan	to	outline	your	business	ideas	quickly.
      	 To	 avoid	 overcomplicating	 things,	 explain	 your	 business	 with	 a	 140-

         Character	Mission	Statement.

    *I’m	grateful	to	Jason	Fried	from	37signals	for	this	idea.
    †Parts	of	this	section	are	based	on	the	advice	of	Jonathan	Fields,	the	smartest
guy	I	know	in	market	testing.	Learn	more	at
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