Page 171 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 171

and	going	with	the	winner.

                            Traffic	→	A/B	test	→	compare	results

   After	you	have	a	winner,	you	move	on	to	another	test,	always	challenging	the
“champion”	 against	 another	 idea.	 (Google	 Optimizer	 allows	 you	 to	 do	 this	 for

   This	 can	 indeed	 be	 a	 good	 strategy.	 One	 tip,	 however:	 It	 may	 be	 more
important	to	pay	close	attention	to	where	customers	come	from	than	to	what	you
can	 do	 to	 convert	 them	 once	 they	 arrive.	 “Testing	 is	 important,	 but	 it	 pales	 in
comparison	to	the	traffic	source,”	author	and	entrepreneur	Ramit	Sethi	told	me.
“People	 love	 to	 spend	 time	 split-testing	 headlines,	 copy,	 graphics,	 even	 tiny
boxes.	They	can	usually	achieve	greater	returns	by	focusing	on	the	source.”

   INCREASE	 AVERAGE	 SALES	 PRICE.	 If	 you	 can	 increase	 the	 average	 sales	 price
per	 order,	 this	 will	 increase	 your	 bottom	 line,	 just	 as	 increasing	 traffic	 or
conversion	 will.	 You	 can	 do	 this	 most	 easily	 through	 upsells,	 cross-sells,	 and
sales	 after	 the	 sale.	 If	 you	 shop	 on,	 you’ve	 probably	 seen	 its
“related	 items”	 and	 “customers	 who	 bought	 this	 item	 also	 bought	 these	 items”
features.	 These	 features	 are	 highlighted	 (and	 widely	 replicated	 elsewhere)	 for	 a
simple	reason:	They	work	extremely	well.

   The	 difference	 between	 upsells,	 cross-sells,	 and	 sales	 after	 the	 sale	 is
illustrated	below:

   (A	 good	 shopping	 cart	 and	 payment	 processor	 will	 allow	 you	 to	 add	 these

items	easily.	If	yours	doesn’t,	it’s	time	to	change	services.)
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