Page 37 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 37

                       SELL	IT.


                     “Catch	a	man	a	fish,	and	you	can	sell	it	to	him.
                           Teach	a	man	to	fish,	and	you	ruin
                          a	wonderful	business	opportunity.”


                                                         —KARL	MARX


Along	 with	 some	 of	 the	 other	 stories	 mentioned	 briefly	 in	 Chapter	 1,	 we’ll

return	to	the	Jamestown	Coffee	Company	as	we	go	along.	But	first,	let’s	consider
a	key	principle	of	building	your	way	to	freedom	through	a	microbusiness	based
on	a	skill,	hobby,	or	passion.	The	hard	way	to	start	a	business	is	to	fumble	along,
uncertain	whether	your	big	idea	will	resonate	with	customers.	The	easy	way	is	to
find	out	what	people	want	and	then	find	a	way	to	give	it	to	them.

   Another	way	to	consider	it	is	to	think	about	fish.
   Picture	 this	 scenario:	 It’s	 Friday	 night,	 and	 you	 head	 out	 to	 a	 nice	 restaurant
after	a	long	week	of	work.	While	you’re	relaxing	over	a	glass	of	wine,	the	waiter
comes	over	and	informs	you	of	the	special.	“We	have	a	delicious	salmon	risotto
tonight,”	 he	 says.	 “That	 sounds	 perfect,”	 you	 think,	 so	 you	 order	 the	 dish.	 The
waiter	jots	it	down	and	heads	back	toward	the	kitchen	as	you	continue	your	wine
and	conversation.
   So	 far,	 so	 good,	 right?	 But	 then	 the	 chef	 comes	 out	 and	 walks	 over	 to	 your
table.	 “I	 understand	 you’ve	 ordered	 the	 salmon	 risotto,”	 she	 says	 as	 you	 nod	 in
affirmation.	 “Well,	 risotto	 is	 a	 bit	 tricky,	 and	 it’s	 important	 we	 get	 the	 salmon
right,	 too	 …	 Have	 you	 ever	 made	 it	 before?”	 Before	 you	 can	 respond,	 the	 chef
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