Page 101 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 101

Often-times	 the	 most	 difficult	 competition	 comes,	 not	 from	 the	 strong,	 the
intelligent,	the	conservative	competitor,	but	from	the	man	who	is	holding	on	by
the	eyelids	and	is	ignorant	of	his	costs,	and	anyway	he’s	got	to	keep	running	or

         —John	D.	Rockefeller,	industrialist,	cofounder	of	Standard	Oil	Co.,	and	philanthropist	

It	is	the	greatest	of	all	advantages	to	enjoy	no	advantage	at	all.

         —Henry	 David	 Thoreau,	 author,	 poet,	 philosopher,	 abolitionist,	 and	 naturalist	 People	 expect	 a
            certain	 reaction	 from	 a	 business,	 and	 when	 you	 pleasantly	 exceed	 those	 expectations,	 you’ve
            somehow	passed	an	important	psychological	threshold.

         —Richard	Thalheimer,	founder,	CEO,	and	chairman	of	the	Sharper	Image	Corp.

On	every	level	of	life,	from	housework	to	heights	of	prayer,	in	all	judgment	and
efforts	to	get	things	done,	hurry	and	impatience	are	sure	marks	of	the	amateur.

         —Evelyn	Underhill,	English	Anglo-Catholic	writer	and	pacifist

In	 the	 end,	 you	 are	 measured	 not	 by	 how	 much	 you	 undertake	 but	 by	 what	 you
finally	accomplished.

         —Donald	Trump,	real	estate	developer,	author,	and	presidential	candidate	If	you	try	to	look	too	far
            down	the	 road	that	stretches	 mysteriously	 into	 the	future,	 you’re	liable	to	 trip	on	a	 rock;	if	you
            look	 just	 past	 your	 toes,	 you’ll	 miss	 the	 bear—always	 hungry,	 licking	 his	 lips—waiting	 eagerly
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