Page 193 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 193

—Albert	Einstein,	developer	of	the	theory	of	relativity

If	you’re	not	stubborn,	you’ll	give	up	on	experiments	too	soon.	And	if	you’re	not
flexible,	 you’ll	 pound	 your	 head	 against	 the	 wall	 and	 you	 won’t	 see	 a	 different
solution	to	a	problem	you’re	trying	to	solve.

         —Jeff	Bezos,	founder	of

The	best	way	to	predict	the	future	is	to	create	it.


Thinking	 about	 the	 bigger	 picture	 takes	 you	 out	 of	 the	 familiar	 way	 of	 thinking
about	the	problem.

         —Art	Markman,	professor	of	psychology	and	marketing

Great	 things	 are	 not	 done	 by	 impulse,	 but	 by	 a	 series	 of	 small	 things	 brought

         —Vincent	Van	Gogh,	artist
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