Page 244 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 244

everybody,	every	team,	every	platform,	every	division,	every	component	is	there
not	 for	 individual	 competitive	 profit	 or	 recognition,	 but	 for	 contribution	 to	 the
system	as	a	whole	on	a	win-win	basis.

         —W.	Edwards	Deming,	engineer,	scholar,	author,	and	management	consultant	

You	will	find	men	who	want	to	be	carried	on	the	shoulders	of	others,	who	think
that	 the	 world	 owes	 them	 a	 living.	 They	 don’t	 seem	 to	 see	 that	 we	 must	 all	 lift
together	and	pull	together.

         —Henry	Ford,	founder	of	Ford	Motor	Co.

People	have	been	known	to	achieve	more	as	a	result	of	working	with	others	than
against	them.

         —D.	Allan	Fromme,	psychologist,	teacher,	and	writer

Teamwork	makes	the	dream	work.

         —Bang	Gae,	music	producer

Coming	together	is	a	beginning.	Keeping	together	is	progress.	Working	together
is	success.

         —Henry	Ford,	founder	of	Ford	Motor	Co.
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