Page 276 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 276


   Businesses	 generally	 can’t	 function	 without	 employees.	 But	 few	 workers	 are
entirely	 self-motivated	 to	 perform	 at	 their	 full	 potential.	 And	 an	 unmotivated
workforce	 can	 dim	 the	 prospects	 of	 a	 business.	 Turnover	 is	 likely	 to	 be
troublesome,	and	the	quality	of	work	far	from	stellar.	Consequently,	a	manager’s
motivational	talents	carry	a	premium.	These	leaders	are	responsible	for	knowing
the	various	motivational	buttons	that	spur	her	workforce	to	superior	results.	Is	it
money	 that	 stimulates	 a	 particular	 employee	 to	 perform	 at	 his	 highest	 level?	 Or
do	 rewards	 or	 recognition	 induce	 an	 employee	 to	 be	 her	 best?	 Surely,	 inspiring
words	 are	 effective	 motivational	 tools.	 And	 businesspeople	 have	 to	 learn	 to
motivate	 themselves—and	 stay	 motivated.	 Make	 space	 in	 the	 toolbox	 for	 the
quotes	below.


If	you	have	time	to	whine	then	you	have	time	to	find	a	solution.

         —Dee	Dee	Artner,	author	and	behavioral	expert	(from	her	book	Positivity	Now:	How	Simple	Steps
            Can	 Help	 You	 Work	 Effectively,	 Communicate	 Positively	 and	 Live	 Successfully!,	 2014)	

If	 we	 try	 and	 fail,	 we	 have	 temporary	 disappointments.	 But	 if	 we	 do	 not	 try	 at
all,	we	have	permanent	regrets.
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