Page 300 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
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He	 who	 joyfully	 marches	 to	 music	 in	 rank	 and	 file	 has	 already	 earned	 my
contempt.	 He	 has	 been	 given	 a	 large	 brain	 by	 mistake,	 since	 for	 him	 the	 spinal
cord	would	suffice.

         —Albert	Einstein,	developer	of	the	general	theory	of	relativity

If	you	accept	the	expectations	of	others,	especially	negative	ones,	then	you	never
will	change	the	outcome.

         —Michael	Jordan,	NBA	legend

One	man	with	courage	makes	a	majority.

         —Andrew	Jackson,	US	president

I	believe	that	one	defines	oneself	by	reinvention.	To	not	be	like	your	parents.	To
not	be	like	your	friends.	To	be	yourself.	You	cut	yourself	out	of	stone.

         —Henry	Rollins,	musician,	actor,	television	and	radio	host,	and	comedian

You	 can	 spend	 minutes,	 hours,	 days,	 weeks,	 or	 even	 months	 overanalyzing	 a
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