Page 38 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 38

If	 only	 one	 didn’t	 know	 that	 at	 the	 secret	 heart	 of	 all	 such	 organizations,
corporations	 and	 governments	 alike,	 it	 still	 came	 down	 to	 a	 finite	 number	 of
fallible	people	talking	to	each	other….

         —Lois	McMaster	Bujold,	author	(from	her	book	Cryoburn,	2010)	In	large	organizations	the	dilution
            of	 information	 as	 it	 passes	 up	 and	 down	 the	 hierarchy,	 and	 horizontally	 across	 departments,	 can
            undermine	the	effort	to	focus	on	common	goals.

         —Mihaly	 Csikszentmihalyi,	 psychologist	 and	 author	 (from	 his	 book	 Good	 Business:	 Leadership,
            Flow,	and	the	Making	of	Meaning,	2003)	

The	 fact	 that	 the	 United	 States	 has	 political,	 economic,	 and	 legal	 structures	 that
do	 indeed	 create	 incentives	 to	 control	 hazards	 (in	 the	 workplace)	 is	 one	 of	 the
reasons	the	corporations	have	moved	to	Latin	America	and	Asia.

         —Vincent	A.	Gallagher,	author	and	safety	expert	(from	his	book	The	True	Cost	of	Low	Prices:	The
            Violence	of	Globalization,	2006)	

A	 corporation	 is	 a	 living	 organism;	 it	 has	 to	 continue	 to	 shed	 its	 skin.	 Methods
have	 to	 change.	 Focus	 has	 to	 change.	 Values	 have	 to	 change.	 The	 sum	 total	 of
those	changes	is	transformation.

         —Andrew	Grove,	chairman	of	Intel	(from	interview	with	Esquire	magazine,	January	29,	2007)	It’s
            not	 a	 question	 of	 arriving	 and	 putting	 in	 a	 whole	 new	 administration,	 but	 instead,	 arriving	 and
            “compacting”	 things	 as	 much	 as	 possible,	 reducing	 management	 layers.	 We	 want	 as	 few
            management	layers	as	possible,	so	that	executives	are	very	close	to	the	operations.	We	also	don’t
            believe	in	having	big	corporate	infrastructures.

         —Carlos	 Slim	 Helu,	 billionaire	 Mexican	 industrialist	 (from	 BusinessWeek	 magazine,	 February	 21,

Any	 corporate	 policy	 and	 plan	 which	 is	 typical	 of	 the	 industry	 is	 doomed	 to

         —Bruce	Henderson,	founder	of	the	Boston	Consulting	Group
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