Page 63 - 100 Great Marketing Ideas (100 Great Ideas)
P. 63

If you put the right people on the stand, you will make the right
contacts. Almost anybody from the potential customer company can
help you get a foot in the door—even retired people can probably tell
you who you should be talking to, and might even give you some
inside information about the best approach to take. The main thing
is to ensure that you are giving the visitors something in return—if
you are talking to an engineer, talk technical and give them the
information they are looking for.

In practice

• Don’t staff your stand with salespeople. They have the important

    job of following up the leads you generate.

• Remember that less than 10 percent of visitors to most exhibitions

    are buyers.

• Focus on your reason for exhibiting—it is to make contacts, not

    make sales.

• Think about the needs of the visitors. That way you have a chance

    of exchanging something of value.

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