Page 301 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 301

pay the rent, and a few pin games or similar attractions are sure-fire
moneymakers. In these days of leisure there is a real opportunity to start a
business which offers wholesome recreational facilities to the people in the
community. It’s almost a “natural.” There are few easier ways to make

A Profitable Auto Travel Business


OME years ago, A. A. Preciado planned to make a trip to the West Coast by
automobile. In order to reduce his expenses and, at the same time, make the
trip more pleasant, he advertised for a traveling companion on the share-the-
expense basis. His advertisement in the newspaper brought over a hundred
replies and a similar advertisement inserted when he was ready to make his
return trip brought twice as many replies. When he reached home he realized
there was an opportunity for a business catering to tourists, so he opened a
travel agency which he called the “Auto Travel Bureau.”

Most of the “traveling companions” on his list are students, summerschool
teachers, college professors, and business girls. However, even doctors,
lawyers and movie stars have made trips as extra passengers through the
Bureau. “Women especially hate to go on long trips alone,” he remarked,
“and part of my job is to locate responsible young college men to drive their
cars for them.”

Because he filled a long-felt need and because of good business management
the business grew and prospered. Today, Mr. Preciado has several assistants
and representatives in various key cities. He also has many competitors, but
he lays claim to having been the first in the field. His cars now go all over the
country, of course, but there is a certain demand for transportation to such
cities as San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis, etc., which has made it possible
for him to arrange for regular transportation to such points. All rates are
figured on a mileage basis—the greater the distance, the greater the cost. The
Bureau gets a standard commission from the extra passenger, the balance
going to the car owner.
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