Page 471 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 471

Wood-Carving as a Hobby, by H. W. Faulkner. Harper. $2.00.
Wood Pattern-Making. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, 1932. $2.25.
Wood Working as a Hobby, by Emanuel Stieri. Harper, 1939. $2.50.
Woodcut Manual, by J. J. Lankes. Holt, 1932. $3.50.
Working with Tools for Fun and Profit, by A. F. Collins. Appleton, 1937.
Working Drawings Of Colonial Furniture, by F. J. Bryant. Manual Arts. 85

raising flowers, fruits and vegetables for sale) Periodicals:

American Fruit Grower . 1370 Ontario St., Cleveland, Ohio. 50 cents a year.
American Home. 444 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. $1.00 a year. (Mo.)
American Landscape Architect. 45 W. 45th St., New York, N.Y. $5.00 a
year. (Mo.)
American Nurseryman. 508 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. $1.00 a year. (S-
Better Fruit Magazine. 225 S. W. Broadway, Portland, Ore. $1.00 a year.
Better Homes and Gardens. 17th and Locust Sts., Des Moines, Ia. $1.00 a
year. (Mo.)
Bulletin of the American Dahlia Society. 251 Court St., West Haven, Conn.
$2.50 a year. (Qr.)
California Citograph. 1118 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. $1.00 a year.
Country Home. 250 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 25 cents a year. (Mo.)
Country Life. 1260 Sixth Ave., New York, N. Y. $5.00 a year. (Mo.)
Florida Grower. 305 Morgan St., Tampa, Fla. $1.00 a year. (Mo.)
Florist Exchange and Horticultural Trade World. 448 W. 37th St., New
York, N. Y. $2.50 a year. (Wkly)
Florist’s Review. 508 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. $2.50 a year. (Wkly)
Flower Grower. 99 N. Broadway, Albany, N. Y. $2.00 a year. (Mo.)
Garden Digest. Great Oak Lane, Pleasantville, N. Y. $1.50 a year. (Mo.)
Garden Gossip. 1406 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. $1.00 a year. (Mo.)
Garden Landscape and Architecture. 565 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. $3.00
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