Page 148 - Social Media Marketing
P. 148
Awareness Consideration Purchase
Operations Social Media
Figure€5.7╇â•T‰ he Purchase Funnel and Operationsc h a p t e r 5 : ╇ S ocial T echnology and B usiness D ecisions╇ ■
Social CRM picks up on this and formally recognizes that the conversations
circulating on the Social Web started in, for example, Operations but then exerted
126 themselves upon Marketing (by encouraging or dissuading sales). Again, this is a very
different process than the more or less unidirectional flow of outbound messages asso-
ciated with traditional campaigns.
This is why Social CRM is so powerful and so timely. Connecting customers
into the business, and understanding their perspective and what attracts or repels them
from your brand, product, or service is a path to long-term success. Social CRM com-
bines the insights of Fred Reichheld’s Net Promoter —itself a benchmark metric for
long-term success—with quantitative tools and a flexible methodology for defining and
evolving your business.
Map the Social Graph
Once you’ve got a handle on what is being said, the next step in implementing a Social
CRM program is understanding who said it. By “who said it” I’m not referencing the
personal details of a specific individual, though you may in some cases be able to dis-
cern this information from actual customer data or a similar source.
Rather, I’m referring to profile and social graph data, understanding who is talk-
ing about you by also understanding the other places where this same person publishes
content and with whom it is shared. By seeing a profile in the context of that individual’s
social graph, you get a much more complete picture of individual motivation, influence,
reach, and connectedness that allows you to prioritize your next steps in reaching out
and responding (or not) to that specific individual.
The social graph itself—first covered in Chapter 2 and explored in detail later
in Chapter 11, “The Social Graph,”—defines the social links that exist between people
within social networks. As well, the social graph includes pointers to the various
other places where this individual publishes or otherwise participates. Social CRM
and the more focused source identification tools navigate this social graph to create a