Page 176 - Social Media Marketing
P. 176

Web Analytics

                       In the prior sections the basic metrics relating to the Social Web were defined. Social
                       media analytics help frame the conversations in a quantitative context. Influencer met-
                       rics do the same for the source of the conversation. Between these you have the basis
                       for success determination according to the business objectives you have set and the
                       KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that you have established. The next step is to tie
                       these to your business, beginning with its online presence.

                    Website Performance

                       Web analytics—a representative look at Google Analytics is shown in Figure€6.5—is con-
                       cerned largely with the performance of your website or online applications. By “perfor-
                       mance” what is generally meant is how well your website converts visitors into customers,
                       people supportive of your cause into donors or enlisted volunteers, or some similar transi-
                       tion that carries them all the way through your purchase or acquisition funnel.


c h a p t e r 6 : ╇ S ocial A nalytics , M etrics , and M easurement╇ ■  2 Web Analytics

                                                                             AWARENESS        CONSIDERATION  PURCHASE

                                                                             Figure€6.5╇â•W‰ eb Analytics

                                                                                     Web analytics offer a number of measurement points. Table€6.3 lists a represen-
                                                                             tative set of the more popular metrics associated with the performance of a website in
                                                                             a business context. The key to getting the most out of your web analytics program is
                                                                             understanding the individual measures shown in Table€6.3 and then moving beyond
                                                                             them. Far too many firms track the basics—bounce rate, time spent, page views—but
                                                                             then fail to move beyond these basic counts and into the actual analytics of what drives
                                                                             them and why they matter.
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