Page 242 - Social Media Marketing
P. 242

c h a p t e r 8 : ╇ E ngagement on the S ocial W eb╇ ■220

                         Figure€8.5╇â•E‰ ighties Night at JetBlue’s T5
                                Structured “suggestion boxes” built around an open, visible process provide

                       a very doable way of connecting your business to your customers. Yes, you need to
                       participate: But at the same time, you don’t have to give up control, and you certainly
                       don’t have to do everything that is suggested, even if it is a popular idea. What is
                       required is participation, some feedback, and a reasonable degree of incorporation of
                       what is offered by participants in the ideation process into your business, organization,
                       or delivery channel. A different way to approach your customers? Yes. Impossible to
                       implement? Hardly.
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