Page 291 - Social Media Marketing
P. 291

269■ ╇ B uild on E xisting S ocial O bjects

Figure€10.3╇â•R‰ ed Bull University
        Number one, by getting involved in a genuine and meaningful way, your busi-

ness or organization brings more brains, muscle, and capital to the table. Your con-
tributions, along with those of all others involved, make it that much more likely that
the ultimate goal of the organization will be met, and that the participants around the
effort will feel good about the process as a result.

        Number two, you are able to create an additional and appreciated connec-
tion point between your brand, product, and service and the markets you serve. On
this point, building a social presence around a cause-related social object is distinctly
different than corporate social responsibility and similar philanthropic programs.
Straight-up giving is absolutely appreciated—and vital—to many of the cause-based
organizations that operate: corporate donations and in-kind contributions help them to
deliver the services or benefits to society that they provide.

        In comparison, by directly participating in the cause—by becoming involved in
the community that has formed around it—your business or organization gains a new
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