Page 312 - Social Media Marketing
P. 312

c h a p t e r 11 : ╇ T he S ocial G raph╇ ■Like-Mindedness Drives Association

                       Within a social network, the relationships that make up the social graph are often
                       built—especially initially—between people who have some evident characteristic in
                       common. Twellow, a Twitter utility that allows people to search Twitter based on spe-
                       cific physical locations or personal/professional interests, is useful for finding potential
                       members to follow based on a common profession, hometown, or other shared inter-
                       est. Search Twellow for “Austin, TX” and you’ll find the Twitter profiles for Lance
                       Armstrong and Whole Foods Market among other Austinites. A typical search of
                       Twellow (for “Austin, TX”) is shown in Figure€11.2.


                         Figure€11.2╇â•T‰ wellow: Twitter Members in Austin
   307   308   309   310   311   312   313   314   315   316   317