Page 86 - Social Media Marketing
P. 86

Customers, Constituents and Employees

                                                                                Social Graph

                                                                             build relationships

                                                                        Operations  Marketing

                                                       Social Spaces 3                           2 Social Content

                                                                        listen and  participate

                                                       Communities and Outposts     Social Applications

64 Figure€3.5╇â•T‰ he Social Business
c h a p t e r 3 : ╇ B uild a S ocial B usiness╇ ■
                                                       Business as a Social Participant

                                                       People gather around a shared interest, cause, or lifestyle in pursuit of a sense of col-
                                                       lective experience. Important to understand is that they are often motivated by an
                                                       apparent desire to talk about a brand, product, or service experience with each other,
                                                       relating this to what they have in common. What they have in common may in part be
                                                       that brand, product, or service, but it is generally also something deeper. Apple prod-
                                                       ucts—and the following they have created—are a great example of this: Apple owners
                                                       are seemingly connected by Apple products, but in a deeper sense they are connected
                                                       by the ethos of Apple and the smart, independent lifestyle associated with the brand.

                                                               For LEGO enthusiasts—and in particular adult LEGO enthusiasts— there is a
                                                       gathering that occurs on along with a variety of other fan-created web-
                                                       sites, forums, and blogs. Conversations appear to revolve around LEGO products, but
                                                       in reality the higher calling is the shared passion for creation, which LEGO (as a prod-
                                                       uct) facilitates. While LEGO creation may bring members to the community, and while
                                                       it may be the common thread that unites a seemingly disparate group, the camaraderie
                                                       is what keeps members together years upon years. A business or organization is itself in
                                                       many respects a social place. In much the same way, the social business is a place where
                                                       employees and customers gather together around a common purpose of creating the
                                                       products and services that define—and are often subsequently defined by—the brand
                                                       and its higher purpose. Employees and customers, together through collaboration, cre-
                                                       ate the experiences they want: Together they are responsible for the business. When the
                                                       conversations that result are a reflection of this shared interest of both customers and
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