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             that the only women who broke through her employer’s glass ceiling
             were middle-class and well educated. She realised that she would
             attain her fantasy of becoming managing director of a company only by
             setting up on her own. Her eponymous company, Garlands Call Centres,
             generated pre-tax profits in 2004 of £3 million on a turnover of £30

            pioneering the concept of ‘women returners’ Dame Stephanie
             Shirley founded Freelance Programmers in order to have an
             intellectually challenging job which fitted in with her plans for a
             family. One of her many brilliant insights was to realise that she was
             not alone in wanting to combine a vigorous professional career with
             bringing up a family.

             Xansa (the £2 billion capital company which grew from Freelance
             Programmers via the FI Group) pioneered the concept of ‘women
             returners’ and began as a company of women, for women.

             It also began with just £6 of capital.137

            what are you able to put into the business? Are you like Jill
             Barker, typical of many start-ups in using a £45,000 redundancy
             payment to establish Green Baby, or are you like Frederick Smith,
             risking a multi-million-dollar family trust to establish Federal Express,
             thereby realising a business idea first articulated in a business school

            what will you take out of the business? Are you interested in
             securing sufficient regular income to survive comfortably? Are you
             interested in securing quick profit? Or are you committed to achieving
             significant capital gains from the establishment and sale of a

            supporting a way of life If your wish is to generate sufficient cash-
             flow to support a certain way of life, then you do not need to create a
             business which has an existence fully independent of you. You are in
             charge 24/7 and if the business were to grow too large, it might prevent
             you from being personally involved in all aspects of the work or from
             enjoying your lifestyle.

            selling on For those who wish to sell their business in due course,
             however, an organisation’s ability to survive without the hands-on
             involvement of the founder will inevitably represent a pre-condition for
             eventual sale. It also means that the founder will have to learn new
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