Page 226 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 226


planning for implementation

 G Frederick Smith – overcoming the obstacles to Fedex
 G the importance of planning for implementation
 G increasing the likelihood of successful implementation
 G the blocks to implementation
 G techniques to identify blocks to implementation
 G guiding principles for overcoming blocks to implementation
 G practical examples of overcoming blocks to implementation
 G milestone planning
 G Jollibee Foods Corporation – planning to beat a giant

Planning for implementation merely involves creating the list of
positive actions required to bring your idea to market. True or false?

And if things are going to go wrong during implementation, the best
time to sort them out is as they occur. True or false?

False on both counts. The most effective planning involves the creative
identification of all those elements which could potentially block you
from implementing your idea. For the fledgling Federal Express, the
key block was the regulation of the air freight industry. For you, it
could be competition, finance, the stifling power of convention or the
inability to protect your idea.

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