Page 37 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 37
Duct Tape Marketing
Think Narrow
I want to reemphasize my call that you take all that you have learned
in this chapter and commit your business to serving one or more very
well-defined market niches—at the exclusion of all that don’t fit your
narrow ideal market description or segments.
By focusing on a very specific market niche, you are free to develop
products and services tailored to its specific needs. Your language and
processes then can send a very clear signal that you do indeed under-
stand those unique needs.
Many times niche markets can be easier to communicate with.
A specific industry will likely have a trade association, publication,
or mailing list readily available. Personalizing your marketing to this
easily identifiable group and identifying them by name (construction
company owners, salon owners, or chronic headache sufferers) will
dramatically increase the effectiveness of your communications.
When you focus on a narrow target market, you will often
encounter much less competition and hold a competitive edge over
generalists who claim to also serve this market.
Visualize Real People
Once you’ve done your research on your ideal client, it’s time to
start getting visual. Write out a description of a real ideal client that
you would love ten more of. Write everything you can think of: what
they look like; what they think; what they want; what they fear, what
they believe fun, risk, and passion look like. Use photos of real people
to help create this total persona, and then hang it on the wall for all
to absorb. Maybe you need to do this a couple of times and develop
several distinct ideal client personality types. Imagine if you put these
images and descriptions on the wall and referred to them as you made
sales calls, wrote Web copy or brainstormed about a product innova-
tion. It’s similar to having them in the meeting with you. In fact, go a