Page 146 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 146

Final	checklist

To 	 sig nificantly	 incr ease	 the	 quantity	 and	 quality	 o f	 ideas	 that	 yo u	 g ener ate,	 r eading 	 this	 bo o k	 isn’t

enough.	You	need	to	make	principles	from	this	book	a	part	of	your	own	habits.

Belo w	 yo u	 will	 find	 the	 7	 mo st	 fundamental	 pr inciples	 o f	 cr eating 	 successful	 business	 ideas.	 Wr ite

them	down	on	a	sheet	of	paper	and	hang	it	near	the	desk	where	you	work	or	near	your	bed.	Over	the

next	3	weeks,	think	for	at	least	15-30	minutes	per	day	about	ideas	using	these	principles.	These	can	be

ideas	 that	 will	 help	 you	 improve	 your	 business,	 achieve	 your	 dreams	 or	 make	 your	 life	 more

interesting.	I	promise	you	that	by	the	end	of	these	3	weeks	you	will	notice	a	significant	jump	in	your

creative	performance.

	     Collect  	  raw	  materials.	  Ideas	  ar  e	  co  mbinations	  or  	  modifications	  of	  o  ther  	  ideas.	  The	  mor  e	  you


know	 the	 ideas	 of	 other	 people	 and	 the	 more	 life	 experiences	 you	 expose	 yourself	 to,	 the	 more

cr eative	 r aw	 mater ials	 yo u	 have.	 T he	 mo r e	 cr eative	 r aw	 mater ials	 yo u	 have,	 the	 mo r e	 co mbinatio ns

your	subconscious	mind	will	be	able	to	make	and	the	more	likely	you	are	to	create	new	valuable	and

interesting	ideas.

2.	 Set	 the	 task	 for	 the	 subconscious	 mind.	 Your	 subconscious	 mind	 is	 a	 powerful	 thinking

mechanism,	 but	 it	 remains	 idle	 if	 you	 haven’t	 given	 it	 a	 task.	 Once	 you	 begin	 giving	 your

subconscious	questions	to	think	about	regularly,	you	will	notice	how	the	quantity	and	quality	of	your

ideas	will	skyrocket.

3.	Separate	 analyzing	 and	 generating	 ideas.	 When	 you	 are	 analyzing	 ideas,	 your	 analytical	 brain

blocks	your	superfast	creative	brain	from	thinking.	To	let	the	creative	brain	do	its	work,	separate	the

processes	of	analyzing	and	generating	ideas.

	     hink	and	rest     .	The	most	effective	thinking	algor           ithm	is	the	follo  wing:	think	about	a	pr              o  blem	for
4.	T

an	extensive	period	of	time,	forget	about	the	problem	and	rest,	occasionally	think	about	the	problem

for	 few	 minutes	 and	 forget	 about	 it	 again.	 The	 incubation	 period	 when	 you	 don’t	 think	 about	 the

problem	is	essential	for	your	subconscious	mind	to	process	millions	of	thoughts	and	combinations	of

ideas,	however	to	give	it	a	task	you	need	to	think	for	some	time	about	the	problem	consciously.

5.	Generate	 many	 ideas.	 In	 creative	 thinking,	 quantity	 equals	 quality.	 You	 can’t	 generate	 one	 great

idea.	However,	you	can	generate	many	ideas	and	select	one	or	several	great	ideas	out	of	them.

6.	 Have	 fun.	 Your	 subconscious	 mind	 thinks	 most	 effectively	 when	 you	 have	 fun.	 When	 you	 are

serious,	you	are	very	unlikely	to	create	really	creative	and	valuable	ideas.

	7.	Believe	and	desire.	Believe	that	you	will	generate	great	ideas	and	have	a	burning	desire	to	generate

them.	 If	 yo u	 do ,	 g r eat	 ideas	 will	 co me	 to 	 yo u	 in	 abundance	 and	 so o ner 	 o r 	 later 	 the	 pr o blem	 will	 be


Once	you	have	made	these	7	principles	a	part	of	your	own	creative	habits,	glance	through	the	book

again	 and	 practice	 other	 principles	 and	 techniques.	 In	 a	 year ’s	 time	 of	 practicing	 generating	 ideas

regularly,	you	will	become	a	world-class	creative	thinker.	The	skill	of	creating	ideas	will	make	your

business	successful	and	your	life	an	adventure.	I	wish	you	good	luck	in	creating	successful	ideas	and

in	achieving	all	your	dreams	in	business.
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