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Link building 122

8.3.3 How to select the right link partners

          If you have used the methods described in chapter How to find websites that could
          link to your site 104 then IBP's link manager now have many potential link partners in
          the main list in IBP's link manager.

          Now you have to decide to which websites you want to link on from which web pages
          you want to have a link. Usually, these pages are the same.

          Click on a URL in the main list in IBP's link manager and take a look at the preview
          browser in IBP's link manager. If you like the website, tick the "Include in link pages"
          checkbox for that link partner.

          All websites with a ticked "Include in link pages" checkbox will be included in your
          link pages when you use the Create link pages feature in IBP's link manager. How the
          Create link pages feature works in detail is explained later in this manual.

          You should link to other websites if one of the following things applies:

          · the website might be interesting to your visitors
          · the website offers something that is related to your site

          These two points are the most important factors. The PageRank of a website should
          not influence your decision. If you see a good website with good content that has a
          low PageRank you should trade links with that site if that website is useful for your
          visitors. One day, that page might have a higher PageRank and it will still link back to

          Ask yourself: Is the website related to your site? Would it make sense for web surfers
          if they linked to you and you linked to them? Could visitors of the other website be
          interested in your site? If you find a website you would want to visit or your visitors
          would want to visit then link to it and ask for a link back to your site.

          Webmasters exchanged links long before search engines included links in their
          algorithms. The reason for that is that links can contribute to the success of your
          website even if search engines didn't exist.

          Links from related websites:

          · make your website less dependent from search engines
          · bring your website targeted visitors
          · help you to build a network around your site that makes your business stronger

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