Page 144 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 144

143  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

     3. Select the pagination layout

          If you have many link partners in a category, IBP's link manager can split the pages.
          For example, you can limit the number of links to 10 per page. IBP's link manager
          then will insert Previous - Next links at the bottom of your category pages.
          In this window, you can customize the look of the Previous - Next links. Either select
          one of the presets in the popup menu or enter your own code in the edit box. Click the
          question mark button to get further information about entering your own code.
          Click the Next button to proceed.

              The number of links per page can be specified in another step of the Create
              Link Pages assistant. Pagination is only available if you use multiple pages for
              your link directory.

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