Page 211 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 211

Result checking 210

          How to start the ranking check
          Click the Start ranking check button in the Ranking Manager to start the ranking
          IBP will the ranking of your web pages on the selected search engines for your
          keywords. Depending on how many search engines you selected, this can take some
          time. IBP will show live results of the ranking check. Click the Stop button if you want
          to stop the ranking check:

          The Maximum number of concurrent connections popup menu in the lower right
          corner of the window lets you choose how many Internet connections IBP can open at
          the same time.
          The higher the number, the quicker the ranking check. However, you must have a fast
          Internet connection and a lot of RAM for a high number of concurrent connections. If
          your computer becomes unresponsive, lower the maximum number of concurrent
          You can sort the ranking check results by clicking on one of the column headers of the

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