Page 328 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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327  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

             you can analyze the keyword density case-sensitively (optional).
          · New: When analyzing the keyword density, words with hyphen are now also

             analyzed as compound words, e.g. the word "family-tree" is now analyzed for
             "family", "tree" and "family-tree".
          · New: You can now analyze H1 headlines, as well as H2 headlines, H3 headlines and
             H4 headlines.
          · New: The report is now immediately displayed in the window.
          · Improved: The Keyword Density Analyzer window now guides you step-by-step
             through the options.
          · Improved: When a local file is open in another application, you'll now get an error
          · Fixed: The Keyword Density Analyzer could not analyze words that contained

          Version 3.0.3 (13 October 2003)

          · Improved: If you have "Large Fonts" enabled in Windows, IBP will now work much
             better for you.

          · Improved: When submitting or checking ranking, you can now see the remaining
             time for individual search engines.

          · Fixed: The submission could crash under certain circumstances.
          · Added minor improvements and minor bug fixes.

          Version 3.0.2 (9 October 2003)

          · Fixed: The Ranking Check window doesn't try to come to the foreground anymore.
          · Fixed: When checking rankings, "Invalid variant types" messages could pop up.
          · Fixed: The Top 10 Optimizer tool could report the wrong link popularity number.
          · Fixed: The ranking script wasn't updated in certain rare circumstances.
          · Added some minor improvements and fixed some other minor bugs.

          Version 3.0.1 (8 October 2003)

          · Fixed: On some computers, the submit feature could open dozens of Internet
             Explorer windows at once.

          · Fixed some other minor bugs.

          Version 3.0 (8 October 2003)

          · New: You can now submit your website to search engines - automatically and

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