Page 170 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 170

Dear Mr Jones,
    I’d like to welcome you as a subscriber to [magazine title].
    Thanks for your payment. You might want to keep the
    following pieces of information on file in case you want to
    get in touch with us:

The letter went on to provide the start date of the subscription,
reinforcing in the reader’s mind the idea that, yes, something will
arrive soon in exchange for their cash; information on how to pause
and restart their subscription if they were traveling; and a toll-free
number to contact customer services.

In a welcome letter you can also take the opportunity to flatter the
reader, suggesting that their decision to buy from you was a smart
one. One taken by lots of other people, in fact. This helps dispel any
lingering sense of buyer remorse.

Finally, I offered them the chance to buy something else. In this
case, an extension to their original subscription period in return
for a gift. A layperson’s reaction is, “Isn’t this all a bit too early to
be selling more stuff to a new customer?” Er, no. This is exactly the
right time to do that—just when they’ve done it once already.

In practice

• Whatever you’re selling, prepare a welcome letter that you send

    to every new customer as soon as possible after you receive their
    first order.

• Keep the tone of voice friendly, warm, and conversational. Make

    them feel they’ve done something clever and offer them the
    chance to do it again by buying something else.

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