Page 50 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 50
4. Press cuttings.
5. Talking directly to the reader: using “you” in other words (see
Idea 1).
6. Lots of specifics.
7. Lots of benefits.
But maybe it’s more complicated than saying, “long copy does work.”
Maybe it depends on what you’re trying to achieve. Well, duh! If
you’re trying to get people to do something, like, oh I don’t know,
actually buy from you, there’s a slim chance that they might want to
know more about your product.
Obviously it depends what market you’re in. If you’re selling high-
ticket management courses, you’re going to need to say more than if
you’re selling garden bird feeders. Remember this, though. One of
the main obstacles to people buying from you is fear. How are you
going to allay their fears? Simple. You have to reassure them that
it’s safe to buy from you. And believe it or not, the more you say, the
more reassured they feel.
In practice
• Don’t worry about the length of your copy. The only people who
will buy from you are people who are interested in what you’re
selling already. It stands to reason that they will want to know as
much as possible about your product.
• Although your copy should say everything it needs to, keep
individual copy elements brief. Short words, short sentences,
short paragraphs all help your reader swallow your copy without
getting indigestion.