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source classification. We could go on and on describing how the data could be
sliced and diced to meet the needs of the various executives. The list is only lim-
ited by one’s imagination. The key to having support for all of this is whether the
projects database has been designed for the entering of all the needed data classi-
fications and whether the webpage-based output systems have been designed to
take full advantage of such data coding.

   Here, then, is a partial listing of the types of information that management-
level personnel might be looking for from the project management informa-
tion system.

General Senior Management CEO, COO, Chairman, President, Strategic
Planning executive, Senior VPs of major corporate divisions, other Operations-
oriented functions.

   • Project information arranged by program initiatives.
   • Project information arranged by organization, location, sponsor, client.
   • Analysis of project performance, based on variance from time and cost

   • Summary, action, and alarm reports.
   • Analysis of overall performance against key enterprise objectives.

Direct Functional Management Managers of operating functions, such as Engi-
neering, Marketing, Manufacturing, Software Development, and Information

   • Deployment of resources by skill, department, craft, location.
   • Analysis of overloads and underutilization.
   • Analysis of outsourced resources.
   • Analysis of performance by various resource classifications.
   • Commitment of resources, by project and program.
   • Overview of time charged vs. plan/budget/commitment.

Project Management Chief Project Officer, Project Manager.

   • Analysis of project performance, based on variance from time and cost

   • Analysis of achievements vs. objectives.
   • Deployment of project planning and control resources.
   • Analysis of overloads and underutilization.
   • Audit of project management implementation (actual vs. goal).
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