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P. 19

How can we apply our current strengths and
     competencies to take a leading role in the best,
     most profitable markets of the future?

       Strengths bring in revenues and profits when they are intelligently applied
       in the real world. In this question Gary Hamel and Chris Prahalad are
       again virtually forecasting Arie de Geus’s much later findings. Companies
       that survive and prosper are those that apply their strengths flexibly in a
       volatile business environment. They never re-invent the wheel for the sake
       of novelty. Their primary strategy is always to use what they have already
       proved to be of value in the real world of business. They are frugal in their
       approach to change for change’s sake and they are frugal in their use of
       resources. They are not averse to change. They change when change is dic-
       tated by the changing desires of their customers. This approach and the
       question that drives it enables them to build prosperity and conserve
       resources until the need to invest is compelling. Then they have a massive
       advantage over those who have failed to ask the right questions and have
       been profligate to the point that they cannot even afford to spend what
       they must to prosper in changing circumstances.

            As usual this question, like people named in the Bible, begets others
       that are equally valid.

      Beyond the organization

            n What will be the most profitable markets of the future?
            n Which will be the easiest for us to exploit?
            n How will we know when it is time to change direction?

      Within the business

            n How can we be sure that we take all our people with us?
            n What specific steps should we take to minimize risk?
            n How do we maximize the return on our growing resources,

                financial and otherwise, in the meantime?

xviii Introduction
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