Page 120 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 120

Encourage Graffiti. Want a sim-
ple way to foster a culture of inno-
vation and find out who has hidden
strengths? Allow people to draw on
the walls. One thing that works par-
ticularly well for our firm when we are
looking for new insights, or ways to
tweak a product or service offering, is
to paper the walls of a room with flip
chart sheets. We write thought-start-
ers and headlines that relate directly
to the challenge at hand. For a vacuum
project, we might post headlines like
“things that pick stuff up,” or “the
cleanest surfaces in your house.”

     Then we ask everyone—no matter where they are in the organi-
zation or what their title—to drop by the room a few times and have
some fun. We tell them, “Build on others’ ideas.” Cut out pictures.
Draw. Make connections. Once the walls are filled, schedule mini-

                                       meetings where you moderate a discus-
                                           sion among small groups of partici-
                                              pants to take the ideas further.
                                                     Here’s the best part. You
                                                 won’t have to sell this idea. The
                                                  room becomes a magnet. You
                                                  will quickly get new ideas and
                                                  you’ll see who has the ability to

connect, build and reinvent. This costs nothing but time and often
results in astoundingly fresh thinking.

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