Page 186 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 186

Here’s another idea: airlines should sell luggage engineered
to fit perfectly into their planes. The airlines get new revenue and
quicker boarding because bags are all fitting nicely into place. You
get the picture.

     Once again, for all of us who say ideas are easy, there are oth-
ers who say executing is easy. Give these people a big idea, and they
execute flawlessly. Think about clothing retailers like The Limited
or the Gap. They spot a hot fashion item (the idea) and figure out a
way to make it appeal to everyone who does not fly to Paris for the
latest runway show.

     As we said, we find that companies, like people, are usually
good at either creating ideas or executing them. The trick is to know
which describes your company. If you or your organization are about
operational excellence but desperate for big ideas, consider import-
ing this kind of thinking via a business partner.

     Want proof that we are on the right track about this idea?
Consider venture capitalists. VC companies are full of Roy Disneys
and they know it, so they don’t waste time trying to think up new
ideas. They know what they are good at—execution. They find peo-
ple with the big, new idea and help them bring it to market.

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