Page 198 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 198
So being innovation focused naturally attracts Alphas, and this
in turn drives a better culture. Here’s why: successful innovation is
intrinsically meaningful. Said differently, you have to be solving a
significant need in order to have success with a new product or ser-
vice. The best and happiest employees want to work on something
meaningful. So they naturally gravitate toward innovation assign-
ments. It is not only more fun but also has a greater potential for
personal payoff. The sustainability innovation megatrend makes
this point even more valid.
Innovation is typically on the radar of the CEO. If you want to be
in the spotlight, take on a major innovation initiative. It will bring
RE NATURALLY out the best in you as an employee and get
you immediately recognized and rewarded
for performance. Ironically, we’ve seen
. people aggressively rewarded whether
So it is no surprise that
when you piss off a their particular project was a market
Monkey, they are just success or not. It was the act of “tak-
as likely to use their ing on the important stuff” that got
ideas to start their them extra credit from on high.
own business Back to that Alpha who left your team.
as they are In hindsight, what would you have done
to help
yours. to keep her happy? Chances are you would
eagerly put her on your most heady, rewarding
challenges. Think about what would happen if
you had a project like that for every Alpha in the
organization. The result would be a magnetic culture that attracts
and retains the best people. It would be the Alpha Effect. Instead,
too often we ask our best people to handle our most difficult clients,
or profitable, but uninspiring projects. That leads to an unfortunate
exodus of talented people.
Change the way you treat your Alphas
and you will hang on to more of them. I
guarantee it.
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