Page 36 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 36

I have heard smart people say that if you want a happy culture,
simply fire all the unhappy people. This sounds cold-hearted, but
from experience I can tell you there is truth to it. Using the same
logic, if you want an inventive culture, hire the curious people; start
with Idea Monkeys. We do.

                                        •   Count the “buts” vs. the “ands” in a 

                                        •   Watch them navigate a website — do they 
                                           wander or are they linear in their thinking?
                                        •   What’s their Myers-Briggs type? Look for 
       Ways to find high “N” scores and lower “J” scores.
       the Monkey •  A  sk them to define an obscure word. 
                                           Is this fun for them or frustrating?

     Okay, we know Idea Monkeys are inventive, tenacious and curi-
ous. But this is supposed to be a business book. So why should you
care? The answer is threefold:

     1. They are the driving force behind innovation.
     2. They improve the quality of the workplace. Simply put,
ideas are the fuel for a growing company and a positive culture. The
best people love to be working on huge, industry-altering projects in
companies that are doing well. Many, like Mike Myers, will make you
giggle as they help you see new possibilities.
     3. Wall Street absolutely loves Idea Monkeys. How do we
know? Wall Street regularly reports that the highest indicator of
future profitability is a company’s ability to consistently launch new
products (one of the prime purviews of Idea Monkeys).
     Let’s take those three points one at a time.

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