Page 74 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 74

Chapter 4

Inside Out and Outside In-novation

The Delicate Dance of Innovation

     There is a great saying in the South:     “tyYhinooesuuliadacberaeentlh’stweitrthejianearngd.”

     This applies directly to your ability to
innovate. If you have been with a company for

more than six months, it is time you realize:

You’re stuck in the jar. The way you think about new

ideas is distorted by the corporate container you find

yourself working within.

As a result, it is extremely difficult for you to

see the priceless ideas all around you—ideas that

will become the new products and services your

competitor will use to steal market share.

                          I know, I know. I can’t be talking about

you. I had the same reaction initially. But if

any of the following sounds familiar, you

                          are in the jar—just like I was.

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