Page 194 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 194

178 Part III: Creating and Placing Ads

                                    ߜ You can trade your product to a third-party business that then trades a
                                        like value of time or product to the station. (For example, you trade
                                        $1,000 of plumbing services to a contractor who then trades $1,000 of
                                        contracting services to a station’s remodeling project, and the station
                                        gives the contractor $1,000 of airtime which you get as your end of the

                                 Unless you’re making a direct trade with the station, bartering takes time and
                                 expertise. For assistance, look online or in the Yellow Pages for Barter
                                 Services or inquire with your media planner about making barter contacts.

                                 If you decide to barter for your ad buys, here are the advantages:

                                    ߜ You can buy airtime without spending actual money.
                                    ߜ You can leverage your budget. You may be able to trade for airtime at

                                        one and a half to two times your product value (for example, $1,500 of
                                        airtime for $1,000 of product). Even a straight trade ($1,000 of airtime for
                                        $1,000 of product) saves money over a cash buy because your product
                                        price includes profit.

                                 When bartering, proceed with exactly the same care you would exercise if
                                 you were making cash purchases of media time:

                                    ߜ See that the schedule delivers adequate reach and frequency.
                                    ߜ Verify that the station reaches your target audience.
                                    ߜ Be sure that the timing matches your marketing plan.
                                    ߜ Include an expiration date on the product certificates you provide as

                                        part of your agreement. You don’t want to end up paying for this year’s
                                        advertising out of ad budgets in years to come.
                                    ߜ Be careful that on-air promotions involving your products are consistent
                                        with your business image and contribute to the strength of your brand.

      Broadcast Ad Guidelines

                                 Whether you’re producing a television ad or a radio ad, some general broad-
                                 cast advertising guidelines apply.

               Establishing your own broadcast identity

                                 Over time, you want listeners or viewers to recognize your business
                                 before they even hear your name. Consider the following identity-building
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