Page 220 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 220

204 Part IV: Getting the Word Out without Advertising

                                    ߜ Obtain a mail permit and pay an annual bulk mail fee.

                                    ߜ Include a mail permit imprint, called an indicia, showing that postage
                                        has been paid.

                                    ߜ Send at least 200 pieces in each bulk mailing. To qualify as a bulk mail-
                                        ing, all 200 pieces must be identical except for the address, and none
                                        can contain checks or bills (these must be sent using first-class

                                    ߜ Include the correct ZIP code on each piece.

                                    ߜ Presort the mail. Presorting means sorting and bundling mail to postal
                                        specifications before delivering it into the post office in trays or bags.

                                   ߜ To simplify presorting, use a list that has been CASS (Coding Accuracy
                                        Support System) certified. When you purchase outside lists, ask to see
                                        the CASS certificate that the U.S. Postal Service provides.

                                 You can receive further discounts by using ZIP+4 codes and adding bar codes
                                 that support the postal service’s automated systems. Various kinds of bar
                                 codes earn different discounts. Inquire at the post office or ask a mail consul-
                                 tant about the requirements that you must meet in order to receive reduced
                                 rates on your bulk mailing.

                          Specifying Postal Service instructions

                                 When you send bulk mail, you can include instructions, or endorsements, that
                                 tell the post office what to do with mail that is undeliverable as addressed.
                                 Without an endorsement, returned items will be thrown away.

                                 An endorsement reading Return Service Requested instructs the post office to
                                 return the piece with the corrected address or the reason the mail was unde-
                                 liverable. The item won’t be forwarded, but you will have the information you
                                 need to update your list. You can also instruct the post office to discard the
                                 piece but notify you of the new address (Change Service Requested) or to for-
                                 ward the piece (Forwarding Service Requested).

                                 Each endorsement will result in an additional charge. Base your instructions
                                 on how much you want to pay for the service, the value of your mailer (if
                                 you’re sending a valuable gift in each mailer you’ll probably want to request
                                 return service), and your confidence in the accuracy of your list.

               Following up

                                 Half of all responses arrive within two weeks of the date that people receive a
                                 direct mailing.
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